
On this project page I am going to share several games I have made for game jams. These were made over the course of a few months in 2019, most of them in under a week. I currently have 4 games on my page which you can check out by playing via clicking the embeds or checking out my page at


This was the very first game I had ever made for a game jam. It was made over the course of a week or so, and it's not very great. However I had enjoyed making it quite a bit, and it was also one of my first attempts at making spritework/animations, although they aren't very good. The basic aim of the game is to avoid the falling projectiles while moving enough to "lose weight". It's simple but hopefully somewhat enjoyable to play.


This was my entry to the "Useless Simulation" game jam. I had the idea to make a frustrating "rhythm game" where you have to press the arrow keys according to what pops up on the screen, the joke being that this is a pacer test from school, and every time you restart you have to listen to the extremely long intro sequence. I also was somewhat lazy and reused some sprites here.



This was a week where I had entered a game jam, but had gotten sick earlier and had to do everything on the last 2-3 days. The idea I had was to make a memory card game, but with a twist: cards getting randomized every once in a while, along with the screen occasionally going crazy. It is pretty unpolished but honestly with the time I had it could have been much worse. This was also my first time (and only time) attempting to make background """music""" since the rules had stated that everything had to be your own including art and sounds. So please turn down your volume if you want to be able to actually enjoy it.


This is the game that I am the most proud of for sure. I had made it for the "So Bad It's Good" jam. At the time I was getting a bit nostalgic for "old" youtube and early videos/tutorials, so I decided to make a typing game, but the gimmic being that you're making a "free money in game" tutorial. I tried to include as many references as I could, in fact this game is pretty much based on an actual tutorial I found on youtube. I also added references to Windows Movie Maker. It's probably the best thing I've made in Unity thus far and I feel like expanding on the initial premise a bit more could be fun.

